USS Heimdal
The Lynchburg, Va. area's longest existing
Starfleet Chapter
Starfleet's Chapter of the Year
Starfleet Region One's CHAPTER OF THE YEAR
2006, '07, '09, '10, '12 & '13
With continuing Community Service since 1984
The USS Heimdal wishes you a happy valentine’s day !!!

About the USS HEIMDAl
The USS HEIMDAL, NCC-1793 was originally a Constitution Class Federation starship of the original ENTERPRISE design. This design was taken from the original STAR TREK series. In 1995, we upgraded to the Next Generation design & received a Galaxy class blueprint upgrade from Starfleet.
The HEIMDAL's crew membership varies anywhere from 35 to somewhere in the 90's depending on the status of our current shuttles. As a shuttle goes to starship status, the HEIMDAL's membership declines accordingly.
The name HEIMDAL may be found in Starfleet's Technical Manual. For our purposes, we chose the name from Norse mythology. Our chapter began as the shuttle ASGARD. In Norse mythology ASGARD is the name given the heavens. HEIMDAL is the god who guards the gate, or bridge, to ASGARD (the heavens). Our original newsletter was entitled the RAINBOW BRIDGE which the NORSE named the bridge to heaven, which was a quarterly publication. The Heimdal's current newsletter, The Rainbow Connection, is a monthly publication & is intended to "connect" us in the absence of our former Rainbow Bridge.

​​Beginning as the ASGARD in 1984, the HEIMDAL was commissioned in April 1985 as a full fledged starship. Since that time the HEIMDAL has gone on to win Starfleet's Newsletter Contest three years as Best Quarterly Publication & one year as runner up in that category. She also was recognized as runner up chapter in the 1988 Chapter of the Year Contest. In 1998, the Heimdal was recognized by Starfleet as Chapter of the Month. She has received numerous Regional recognitions and, as CO of the Heimdal, Adm. Smith has NEVER missed a reporting deadline since the chapter became a starship in 1985.
​​​​Since beginning as a starship, the HEIMDAL has given birth to 13 shuttles that have gone on to starship status and was the first Starfleet chapter to launch a shuttle in the state of West Virginia. Currently, the Heimdal has no shuttles but her original shuttles have gone on to launch shuttles of their own, making the Heimdal "grandmother" and great grandmother to many of Starfleet's chapters both in and outside R/1. We've been extrememly prolific!
The thing that sets the Heimdal and the chapters we have sponsored apart is that we remain very much like "family." We visit each other's meetings, meet at conventions and continue to enjoy the company of the others.​
​​​​Heimdal as part of Starfleet's Region One
The USS HEIMDAL is a part of Starfleet's Region One (R/1). R/1 is Starfleet's largest region and consists of 50 starship chapters and three shuttles. These numbers continually change and increase as new shuttles are launched and former shuttles go to starship status. R/1 is made up of eight states: Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The Heimdal was R/1's flagship for the 10 years that Adm. Smith was Regional Coordinator.
No publication within this archive is intended as an infringement on the Star Trek copyright held by Paramount, CBS or any other corporate entity.
Command Staff

Admiral Linda Smith
Commanding Officer

Admiral Willy Smith
Executive Officer
Chief Science Officer

Rear Admiral Carl Davis
Second Officer
Chief of Security

Vice Admiral Glenda Blanks
Head of Communications

Commodore Tammy White
Chief Medical Officer

Fleet Captain Darrell Millner
Chief Engineer/R1 RDC